Wednesday 10 October 2007

retail therapy

Ooooo had to do retail therapy today, but at least I did practical retail therapy. I now got mez some snug and toasty knee high winter booties :D for cheap cheap price :D :D

Shame that whenever I go out I get the same freaking looks from people when they notice my walking sticks, you know that "what the feck?" look or worse the look of utter "oh thank you that isn't me" ARGH!!!!

What you never seen a disabled 27 year old before??? and NO it didn't happen in a car crash *rolls eyes* now with these hot flushes I REALLY hate going out, people actual side step away like you have the plague or something, well they do that alrady but heyho it is worse than normal.

I swear I must have been Atila the Hun in a past life to deserve all this shite I have to deal with, but at least I am NOT normal that would be SOOOOOOO boring LMAO.

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